
通过资助科学研究, the 美国心脏协会 supports those fighting cardiovascular disease. 我们一起拯救生命.
Researcher in white coat at desk with hands on keypad, microscope cut off to the right
We’ve long supported scientific research in our fight against heart disease and stroke. 我们正在做出改变. The research we’ve funded through the generosity of our donors is helping more and more people survive heart disease and stroke. 我们的 core research programs have launched or furthered the work of many of this country’s brightest researchers. And we’ve added research awards that foster team science and accelerate discovery.

Rigorous, dependable research has always been at the heart of our efforts.


Through our longstanding support of scientific research, the AHA has propelled breakthroughs that have saved and improved lives.

The AHA is committed to funding early-career investigators, whose work is vital to the future of heart and brain health. Funding for training and early-career investigators represents a substantial portion of the millions that we invest into research each year.

这一承诺带来了成果. The many AHA-funded discoveries include the first implantable pacemakers, 第一个人工心脏瓣膜, 心肺复苏 techniques and cholesterol-lowering medications.

我们的历史性努力 一个勇敢的想法 is awarding $75 million to a single research team aiming to cure coronary heart disease.

我们的 Strategically Focused Research Networks bring together researchers from top institutions to collaborate on specific topics. 合作科学奖 partner researchers from different disciplines, while our 绩效奖 fund creative approaches with the potential to move a field of science forward.

也, we know that personalized medicine can improve cardiovascular health for individuals and populations. AHA数据科学 taps into the power of technology and big data to identify safer and more effective treatment and prevention strategies.


作为一名研究者, 同行评审志愿者或捐赠者, you can join the 美国心脏协会 as we fight for a world free of heart disease and stroke.


The AHA’s Precision Medicine Platform offers cloud-computing capabilities via secure workspaces equipped with state-of-the-art analytics tools, 比如人工智能, 给全球的研究人员.


We’ve built one of the largest and most trusted research programs in the nation, 资金超过5美元.7 billion in heart disease and stroke research over the years.


Nearly 2000 researchers and healthcare providers, and lay stakeholder volunteers help provide rigorous peer review to ensure that we fund the most worthy and promising research projects.


Generous supporters make our research possible. Donors include large charitable foundations, corporations and individuals.


Since 1949, the 美国心脏协会 has invested more than $5.70亿美元用于科学研究, more than any other non-profit organization outside of the federal government.

If you are a researcher, the AHA has resources available for you. Learn more about our varied initiatives, and how you can play a valuable role.


Research breakthroughs funded by the AHA over the years


1966年,博士. William Rashkind developed a technique to correct septal defects in newborns, showing that major procedures could be performed inside the heart via a catheter. 


博士的研究. William Conner in 1968 showed that the drug cholestyramine can lower cholesterol in the blood. 这种药至今仍在使用.

Research shows lifesaving value of 心肺复苏

Drs. 威廉Kouwenhoven, James Jude and Guy Knickerbocker reported in 1961 that 心肺复苏 provides blood flow to vital organs for people in cardiac arrest.


Dr. Andrew Marks developed drug-coated stents to prevent the tiny wire tubes from accumulating fatty plaques. These stents keep blocked arteries open while releasing medicine.